We are one of them
Top EMS providers in Europe 2024
The Company
Fast, flexible, innovative - thanks to many years of experience and in-depth expertise, we offer you fast production, flexible approaches to solutions and innovative ideas.
Whether it's a new project, development or series production, we are by your side as a service provider in every phase of the product life cycle.
Our range of services includes the core processes of SMT production, THT production, lacquering and testing of assembled printed circuit boards.
Thanks to state-of-the-art technology and highly qualified skilled workers, we offer you the highest quality standards for every development, production or assembly.
Together with representatives of the Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg (Chair of Logistic Systems, Artificial Intelligence Lab) and Thorsis Technologies GmbH, we are working on the development of a "self-learning decision support system for real-time order sequence and machine allocation planning".
We are almost climate-neutral, because we generate most of our electricity ourselves. We also save on heating costs by using our photovoltaic system and CHP units, thus sustainably protecting the climate and the environment.
Your reliable EMS provider
We have been your reliable partner in the field of electronic manufacturing services for over 25 years. Whether it's the development of a new product, the production of large series or the after- sales area - our highly qualified employees always work out customised solutions for your project. Our range of services includes more than just the pure production of electronic assemblies. From planning to production and assembly, we offer you the entire range of electronic manufacturing services.
Electronic Manufacturing Services - one-off or series production
Whether one-off or series production - we plan and manufacture every product with the greatest care and the highest quality standards. By outsourcing your electronics development, you can save a lot of time and high costs for your own development or production department. Our many years of know-how and our highly qualified specialists develop customised solutions that effectively move your company forward.

Unsere Unterstützung für die Aktion Mensch
Am Ende des letzten Jahres haben wir unseren Mitarbeitenden das Jahreslos der Aktion Mensch geschenkt. Diese kleine, aber bedeutende Geste unterstützt nicht nur die Wohltätigkeitsarbeit der Aktion Mensch, sondern fördert auch das soziale Bewusstsein innerhalb unseres Teams.
Wir sind stolz darauf, das Siegelsymbol der Aktion Mensch zu präsentieren – ein Zeichen des Engagements.
Whether small, medium or large series - our flexible solutions and modern machines ensure a smooth process and prompt delivery.
New project / development
Thanks to our extensive experience in project management, we implement your ideas and development projects quickly and effectively.
Series production
Whether small, medium or large series – our flexible solutions and modern machines ensure a smooth process and a timely delivery.
Small series
For the production of small series, we offer you fast and effective manufacturing thanks to state-of- the-art technology and many years of experience.
Medium series
Our flexible and safe processes guarantee effective and dimensionally accurate manufacturing of your product along the entire value chain.
Large series
Fast, flexible, modern - thanks to the latest technologies and highly qualified employees, we offer you smooth production of your large series.
After Sales
Thanks to our broad manufacturing capabilities and fast response times, we can also support you in the area of after-sales.

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General delivery conditions
Es gelten die folgenden Dokumente im Geschäftsverkehr mit der TECTRON WORBIS GmbH (publiziert vom ZVEI-Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e.V.), die Sie hier im PDF-Format herunterladen können. Allgemeine Lieferbedingungen für Erzeugnisse und Leistungen der Elektroindustrie („Grüne Lieferbedingungen“ -GL) zur Verwendung im Geschäftsverkehr gegenüber Unternehmern (Stand: Januar 2022).
Die deutsche Version startet auf Seite 6.